How to build and maintain an e-commerce store from scratch

Dhanya KA
3 min readDec 14, 2018


E-commerce, technology world where every new entrepreneur wishes to start their own business with an online site. They are popular as they reach a large percentage of people very quickly. A well designed online site can influence purchasers by displaying the products at its best. The web portal design should be of easy navigation and the payment transactions should be secured are the main motto for any of the e-commerce sites.

Ways to build and maintain an e-commerce site from scratch

Domain Name:

The domain name selected is the key to the success of the site. Based on the targeted customers the domain name can be universal or region based. A catchy URL with domain attracts more traffic to the online site.

Website builder:

Based on the demand for the product, one can select a site builder or a web developer for web portal designs, maintaining and for future developments. Care should be taken to select the correct web development with scalable CMS tools. This CMS tool allows one to manage the site and its contents effectively.

Set product pricing:

When starting a new business pricing is an important aspect which determines the future of the site. The pricing of the product is determined with the following factors like revenue to pay debts, reinvest in business growth, cover the expenses and some as a buffer to retain losses.

Include Payment options

Integrating third-party payment options in the e-commerce web portal design is important to felicitate the customer to make payment in his favourite way. The most common payment options like cash on delivery, debit/credit cards should also be included in the online store. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates of the web portals ensure the customers that their transactions are safe and trustworthy.

Marketing and Shipping

Marketing about your site in various social media helps in bringing traffic to the site. Implementing SEO techniques helps in increased sales. To attract customers the web portal should be developed with good quality of product images and relevant specifications.

Shipping of the product in good condition is the challenge with the e-commerce. Shipping charges also play a major role in product purchase. The web portal design should include various shipping methods like free shipping, flat shipping price, store pickup options etc.

Web portal design features

Apart from all other aspects the web portal design and its features help in retaining the customer. The features like customer reviews, shipment reviews, payment offers, product-related videos, chatbots customer service, product return facilities etc. helps the customer to be on the page for a long time. The developments in these web portals should be scalable with the business growth.


The CMS tools selected should be easy to use and should be upgraded to the need of the business. The system tools should be upgraded with all the latest updates. The design changes made to the web portals are to be tested first and then implemented.


Building an e-commerce site is boon to the entrepreneurs to increase their sales. Efficient web portal designs and site management respect to the latest technologies is the key to the success of online business.

e-commerce web portal design and development companies



Dhanya KA

Digital Marketing Professional, Affiliate Blogger, Writer, Review Blogger & Pinterest Growth Hacker